Closing the Top Five Cybersecurity Gaps

By: Koroush Saraf - VP Product Management, ZPE Systems

Although cybersecurity is a $155 billion industry with more than 1,800 vendors, companies still struggle to assemble holistic cybersecurity. According to IBM’s 2022 Cost of a Data Breach report, ransomware breaches increased 41 percent in the last year and now cost $4.54 million on average. With many great products available and increasing investment in cybersecurity, why aren’t these attack trends decreasing? Why is it so difficult to protect digital assets? Working with Big Tech, ZPE Systems has developed a reference architecture—a network automation blueprint—as the best practice to cover the security gaps that remain open…

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Automating the Future of Data Center Security

By: Wes Swenson

From distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on some of the world’s biggest names in business, including Amazon and Google, to ransomware, phishing, and domain name system (DNS) breaches that count CNN and PayPal as victims, and cyberattacks of all sizes—the methods and sophistication of these threats continue to prove the importance of an ironclad data center security plan. Physical threats, too, like overheating servers and unauthorized visitors, are top-of-mind considerations for data center security professionals…

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The Future of Open Source in the
Secure Supply Chain

By: Luke Hinds

When asked to reflect on March 2020, most people will recall an unsettling global environment as governments and international organizations grappled with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology leaders, however, may have a different perspective. In the midst of country-wide lockdowns, digital transformation began accelerating more quickly than ever as masses of workers were forced to establish working environments in their homes and rely on cloud-based platforms to collaborate with colleagues…

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Stealth Networking for Critical Infrastructure
and 5G Defense-in-Depth Protection

By: Rajiv Pimplaskar

Several critical infrastructure sectors utilize industrial control system (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and IoT devices, which can often present appealing soft targets for threat actors. There is a significant percentage of such devices that can have inherent vulnerabilities and, unfortunately, many of these systems are operated outside the purview of the security teams that manage the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) advisories…

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Closing the Cyber Attack Gap with AI

By: Jacob Ukelson, D.Sc.

The gap between the ability of cyber attackers to breach IT networks and the effectiveness of cyber defenses is widening. The elements contributing to this include automation and sophistication. Automation enables attackers to go after many more targets at very low cost to them. The increased sophistication of the attacks makes it more difficult to detect and defend against them. The state of cyber defense today is that there is still a heavy reliance on manual processes. Security operations center (SOC) personnel need to respond to alerts and make decisions as to which alerts to investigate…

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Cybersecurity: Finding One Needle
in Many Haystacks

By: Mark Cummings, Ph.D., William Yeack, CSE

How is it that after all these billions of dollars of investment, the bad guys can still get in? The good news is that today’s cybersecurity technology blocks 99 percent of attacks.The bad news is that there is such a massive volume of attacks that the remaining one percent that gets through can create a financial and operating nightmare. For example, in the first half of 2022, there were 236 million ransomware attacks reported during which the bad guys got in. There were likely many more that have not become public…

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Reimagining How We Monitor
and Assure Network Services

By: Charles Thompson

The telecom industry is buzzing with anticipation for the amazing new services that 5G Standalone (5G SA) networks will enable: mass-scale industrial automation, remote surgery, ubiquitous augmented reality experiences, and much more. But before communication service providers (CSPs) start tallying up revenue projections for new 5G offerings, they’ll need to nail down a few small details. Things like verifying that their networks are actually delivering the low latency and reliability that these services demand…

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Balancing Performance, Profitability, and Cost
with Margin Assurance

By: Suresh Chintada

Profitability is the underlying driver of telecom operations, fueled primarily by margin calculations. Over the past three years, though, profit margins have been deteriorating by 13 percent on average. The reasons are many: consumer habits are changing, forcing telcos to compete and offer complex bundled products. In cases where CSPs introduced products with negative margins, it has led to a massive $3.4 billion in losses. In addition, agile OTT providers pose stiff competition by meeting customer demand for relevant OTT content such as videos, music, movies, and more—eating into telcos’ market share…

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A Simpler and More Profitable Firewall Service

By: Carolyn Raab

With the number of cyberattacks growing and hackers becoming more sophisticated, the cost and complexity of network security is increasing. Enterprises are acutely aware of their need for best-in-breed threat protection, but they don’t want the complication and expense of dealing with hardware appliances that lock them in and don’t scale. Instead, they want a firewall service that is easier to manage while also offering the latest security solutions. Service providers (SPs) and managed security service providers (MSSPs) are uniquely positioned to solve these challenges by offering managed virtual firewall services…

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Security as a Differentiator for 5G

By: Eduardo Holgado

As far as consumers are concerned today, 5G is about speed and to a lesser extent latency. But is that enough to attract subscribers to new 5G networks? Mobile operators are scrambling to roll out 5G networks at great expense. For those consumers who have done their homework, excitement about new services is high. But just like any service, 5G operators will need to differentiate their offering to compete with other 5G networks. When you ask consumers today what the greatest benefit of 5G is, they almost unanimously say that it is speed, with some adding latency to the mix and the hope that 5G will be more reliable than 4G…

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Technology Industry News

By: Jara Kern, Pipeline

It’s been a spooky time of year, not only for ghouls and goblins but also for malware and data breaches. As we wrap the annual observance of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we now deliver our Security and Assurance issue, with headlines focused on the top trends and new releases to keep our digital assets and virtual lives secure. News this month also focused on 5G rollouts, progress toward 6G, a next-gen network for research science, and much more. The top technology industry news stories from the month are summarized below…

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Letter from the Editor

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

It’s that time of year again. For those that celebrate Halloween, it’s chocked full of costumes, candy, and late-night scary movies.  It’s an interesting holiday, where millions of people try to turn fear into fun. It’s also become big business as candy, costume, and content companies all try to cash in. After all the tricks and treats the real world awaits, and it can be even scarier. Hard as we may try not to, many have to worry about what will happen when they simply leave their houses, go to the movies or a concert, or even send their children to school…

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